At the bottom of the glass, at the end of the twelve hours of fizzing, a sediment of light green or light brown colour settles, depending on the quality of the water used. Using normal tap water is excellent. This produces the light brown sediment. Salted distilled water provides the light green sediment. The residue must not be touched - only the clear liquid above. When the water has settled and is clear, it is carefully poured into another container and used - one cup a day. Then the container is washed clean, the zinc electrode is cleaned or replaced with a new one, and the machine is ready for the next batch.
Add clean water, salt it with normal table salt (9-10 grams / liter) and connect the battery. A battery runs for a long time. If the battery is empty, you will not notice any bubbles when connecting to the circuit. Then replace it with a new one.
Every household concerned should have one such small machine. As simple as it is, it saves lives and makes the fear of the whole corona virus less frightening. You can make the machine yourself - or, if that's too complicated for you, order it at
The costs are 68 € + VAT and postage.
Dr Tamás Szikra